Our Lube oil sampling bottles are designed to collect the required volume for testing and the bottle caps allows proper seal and avoid any leaks during transit and the material is nontoxic and bears high quality standards avoiding any contamination with the collected sample and we design our sampling kits based on our customer’s requirement. We are compliant with National and International standards.
Lube Oil Sampling Kits
Lube Oil Sampling Kit includes:
12 x 120 ml Plastic Sample Bottle with Caps
12 Submission Forms
3 Proforma Invoice
Stickers (8)
Sampling & Shipping Instruction
2 Envelope Covers
12 Transparent Covers
12 Tags
6 Clips

Bunker Fuel Sampling Kits
Our Bunker fuel sampling kit allows proper collection of a sample and in the precise measuring volume ensuring easy testing and the sampling bottles are inert and high quality ensures no contamination of sample and no leakage during the transit to the lab for thorough testing and analysis.
We make sure our client needs are met and we are compliant with National and International standards.
Bunker Fuel Sampling Kits includes:
36 x 650 ml Bottles & Caps
40 Security Seal
9 Cable Tie
9 Covers
1 Manual Book (includes):
1 Chief Engineer’s Report
9 Witness Sampling Form
9 Proforma Invoice
9 Sample Detail Form
9 Address Labels